
Here we are. I have a headache.

Today decides who takes the idiots place in the palace. I don’t vote. There are various reasons why. The most important being that I don’t agree with the electoral college system. Another reason being, that neither of the canadates have proven to me that they deserve my vote. McCain is a smear campaiging asshole. I don’t dislike Obama, and I do feel he would be the lesser of the 2 evils, he just hasn’t proven to me that he can be the most powerful man in the world. He is an amazing speaker, and a very powerful motivator as a result. That’s it in a nutshell. I am just looking forward to not having to see the ads on TV. I’m sick of the attacking that’s going on. Remember folks these are the people you are trusting to make decisions for you, to make your life better. It has turned into grade school name calling. It makes me tired.

Am I wrong for thinking this way? Am I wrong for nor voting? Possibly. But that’s what makes this country great. I have the freedom to not do what Kayne and Puffy told me to do.

That’s it this time. Later.

Posted with LifeCast

MTV Finally Does Something Great!

MTV Has put the bulk of their library online for people to view. I remember when MTV played videos. This is my first installment of my favorite all time videos!

OK Go – Here It Goes Again:
Quite possibly my all time favorite video! The song and band are killer too!

Weezer – Keep Fishin’:
Weezer always has the best videos. This one has Muppets, so it makes it 10x cooler!

Fat Boy Slim – Weapon of Choice:
Walken, ’nuff said!

Van Halen – Hot For Teacher:
“I don’t feel tardy.”



Rolling Stone changed the physical format of it’s magazine. That’s bold. I remember it being the same shape for as long as I can remember.

I haven’t posted about the music I am listening to in quite a while. Let me take a moment to do so.

1) Black Stone Cherry.
This is a pandora.com find. I describe them as southern heavy metal. Melodic but very powerful. Crushing guitars and the lead singer has a very powerful and distinct voice. I look forward to hearing more from them.

2) Metallica.
You all know my history with this band. After St. Anger and couples therapy I thought all was lost. Then one day I was actually listening to radio instead of a CD. They played The Day That Never Comes. I bought the album on CD on release day. That hasn’t happened in years. Let’s hope that they continue down this path!

3) Extreme.
Another of my all time favorites. The new album is excellent I bought of digitally on release day. Nuno continues to make the case for being one of if not the most underrated musicians of all time.

I am posting this from my iPod, listening to Black Stone Cherry. I love technology. I have so much power in the palm of my hand. 11 years ago my computer had 6gb of storage. Now I carry my favorite songs around on 8gb in my pocket. Things have changed. I was reminded of mix tapes by a co-worker. I remember the care it took to create one. Now you just stuff a ton of music on a device and hit shuffle and pray. Interesting.

That is all for now.

Posted with LifeCast

Life Cast Test

This is a test from the Life Cast app for the iPod Touch/iPhone. It’s tough finding good blogging apps for this thing.

Posted with LifeCast


Well the most difficult day in my life is over. Kidney Stones, Broken Bones, Sprained Joints, and gout in my knee to the point I couldn’t walk for a month. All of them are baby shit compared to having to watch your parents pack up and leave.

This is the first time in my life that my parents are more than 30 minutes away. I think I have said that before. My family is tight. This is hard. I don’t think people outside the family truly understand how rough this is. This is like having a part of me cut off/torn out.

I am glad that Caitlyn isn’t old enough to truly understand how shitty this is. Words can not describe how happy I am that my parents and sister have impacted her life to this point. She is who she is because of the love and care they have given her from day one. No distance between them will change that.

We will survive this. It’s not going to be easy. But nothing for the Fritz clan is. As C3-PO says. “We are made to suffer, it’s our lot in life.”

That will about do it for tonight. I am going to go put the headphones on, and try to get some sleep. I work tomorrow, then I have a light week.

Good night.

Thanks Will Farrell!!!

This is hysterical!!

Weeeee! That’s Pronounced Weeeeeeee!

Well. Not much to say, but I am bound and determined to blog once a week. Even if it is to have a post of nonsense.

This is the last day of my 1st 3 day weekend. I kinda liked it. It’s letting me get my head space cleaned out. It is also letting me be with Caitlyn more, which is exactly what I want!

Let’s talk about 2 things that might surprise the 5 of you that read this blog and know me well.

1) I have never seen the Godfather Trilogy.

2) I have never seen Blade Runner.

Yes, James Fritz the huge movie nut, has never seen 4 of the most important movies of our time. Shocking? Everyone I tell that to looks at me like I just told them that I saw Jesus Christ naked once.

I have Blade Runner sitting next to me. I can easily put the Godfather movies on the queue at Netflix. Blade Runner is my type of movie. Sci Fi. I watched peices of it to see what it looked like. I remember catching glimpses of it when the old man would watch it. But thats about it.

My grandmother loved the Godfather series. When my family was at the height of watching those movies I was too young to understand or even care about watching them. I might put them on the queue today. Not near the top, I mean c’mon I have Herbie the Love Bug to watch. It’s all about priorites people!

Blade Runner will be checked off by the end of the week, possibly by the end of the day. Sarah is helping the folks pack up house for the move north. I will be Mr. Mom today. I think Peanut and I will have fun tonight. Who knows. I might even smile.

Peace Out!


Not a real good day. Tonight was the last family Sunday dinner for the foreseeable future. It was hard for me to leave, it was even harder for my Dad to let Caitlyn leave. I cried the whole way home. I am upset at how hard my parents are taking this. I fear I am not as strong as I thought.

Now starts the odyssey of working 4 days a week.

Time for slep. I hope to have more clarity in the morning. Though I think I may be barking up the wrong tree on that one…

Super Intarwebs!

That’s right! Check out my speed! We upgraded the internet connection! 15mbps! That’s a gain of 10mpbs over the old connection! I am so freakin stoked! Now, if the ISPs would get their collective heads out of their asses and up the upload stream to something better!

Well, it’s official. The parents are moving to freakin Philadelphia of all places. Sarah has been helping them get packed up and ready to go. Dad informed the folks at BBY that he would no longer be in their employ. I informed them that I would be needing an extra day off a week to fill his role as Monday babysitter. I think they were more depressed about losing him, than they were about my only being there 4 days a week. Oh well.

I am feeling better about the whole situation. It should be interesting being by away from the parents by more than 30 mins for the 1st time in my life.

Not much else to say. I am going to go enjoy my new speedy intartubes connection now.


From My iPod!

A word before bed. I think we will see a sub $1,000 Apple Notebook tomorrow!

That is all.